Submit a Blog
How to get your blog featured on
Asian Woman Festival.
We love hearing from our amazing Asian Woman Festival Community and know the importance of shining a light on stories from underrepresented groups like South Asian women and marginalised genders. If you want to share a story or opinion with us, there are a few ways to do it, so read the below carefully so we can make sure we present your story in the best possible way!
Pitch a blog
We receive a high number of pitches for blogs, and these steps will help the process go smoothly, so please read before contacting us.
Send us an email with the title of your piece in the subject line of your email.
Include no more than a paragraph explaining what your piece will be about and why it is a story that is particularly suited to the Asian Woman Festival platform.
A link to any other writing you have done (don’t worry if you don’t have any previous experience, just let us know and we’ll bear that in mind!)
A link to any of your social accounts
Please email your pitch to Kim, our Content Manager
We will then get back to you if we think your pitch is a right fit. We look forward to hearing from you!
Send us a micro-blog
If you think your story is better suited to a smaller word count or even if you’re not that confident in writing, but have something you want to share with other community, micro-blogging might just be for you! We will use your words within an Instagram post, accompanied by an image.
To pitch us a caption/ micro-blog:
Please send us an email with ‘microblog’ in the subject line followed by the topic of your post.
Within the body of the email please send the full post, ensuring you do not go over 2,200 characters.
Attach any images you have that you think could go with your words, or let us know if you would prefer us to source an image.
Please email your pitch to Kim, our Content Manager
We will get back to you if we think your submission is right for our socials.
​Please note that any submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be accepted. We do endeavour to get back to every submission and pitch but due to a high number of submissions, we may take some time getting back to you.